
The first to fall, the first to share

But someday you will meet me there

As falling leaves me up the path

I have not fear, regret, nor wrath

For I see your heart, such beauty, true

How could I not fall for you?

So please forgive my lack of grace

As I now stand vigil in this place

In strength, not weakness, due to care

And when you’re ready… find me there

S.S.S. [Happy Birthday]

Sixteen Just Arrived
But Soon Will Away
Where Tomorrows
Become Yesterday

A Grown Man, Now
Who Makes His Dad Proud
Sentiment, I’ve Too Seldom
Stated Aloud

But You Made Me Better
Right From The Start
The First Born Bloom
In This Father’s Heart

Up Ahead, All Those Dreams
Await Being Found
And If Bravely Sought
Good Fortune Will Abound

These Achievements, Unlock
But Don’t Grade By The Letter
True Success Is The Degree
That You Make The World Better

If The Journey Is Fraught
Stay Vigilant, Tread Right
Where Other Sparks Falter
You Must Be The Light

Lay Siege To Those Demons
Without And Within
However Dark Is The Night
Be Assured… Light Will Win


Crushed velvet
Your skin, soft
Fingertips dance
With sudden liberty
To explore and retrace
Each subtle nuance
Each supple curve
The sun, ever-curious
Peaks through the window
Engulfing and invading
Our crumpled fortress of sheets and pillows
With a warm, blissful cascade of
Impossible oranges and reds
Celebration for the new day, together
Your lips brush against mine
Your heartbeat quickens
As I feel you press against me
The world melts away
Nothing else matters
Just this
Just you
And when your breath catches
There is no reason left to hide


The faces are foreign
As with rubber masks
Caricatures, grotesque
Not wholely unknown
But seemingly apart
Blank, vacant, stares
Each visage bringing
Only further numbness
Their mouths, agape
Their eyes, hollow
Their hands, pale and cold
Ever reaching
Ever grasping
Ever clawing
Ever filled, but never satiated
Lost souls
Infected by desperation and woe
Wreaking of wretchedness and misery
I am, at once, repulsed
Compelled to assist
Could I ease their suffering?
As such, a boon is offered
And then… accepted
Met not with gratefulness
But rather, the unfortunate and horrific subtext
Of ravenous and unsettling eagerness
Yet, compassion undeterred
By glorious purpose or barbaric sincerity
As doubts start to fester
When will it be enough?
Even as needs are met
Spiders of fingers, grasp
Refusing withdrawal
Angering as they’re lingering
Bitter pills, this shame
Choked down painfully, willfully
Leaving jagged scars of contempt, resentment
And as such,
In nightmarish turn
What began as giving
Goes over to taking,
Each hand filled
Each service rendered
Met only with further ask
Their wordless cry
More and more
Driven by callous, insatiable greed
Building to full and frenetic crescendo
Cold-eyed sharks, starting to frenzy
Scenting blood in the water
Winter dances down my spine
Sobering, the realization comes
This can only end one way
There will be no victory here
There’s no hope that will be given
There’s no hope that can be found
Just a bottomless cauldron
Of wanton, endless, need
Insight, admittedly, arriven
Perhaps a moment too late
For they begin to pull
That they may climb
Rats on a sinking ship
Amorphic and anonymous
Twisting and seething
A garish collective of chaos
Furthering its own fury
Gasping and grasping
The shock, overcome
I reach out for stable footing
An action, I determine doomed immediately
Impotent in the face of such unpliable fanaticism
Fatefully swallowed by it’s tremendous wake
Revealing only the unsettling ease,
With which empathy abandons the hearts of men
Impulse conquers thought
Claws tear flesh
Teeth render bone
A taste of tears and blood
That I know to be my own
And suddenly, they’ve gone
I’m falling all alone
Down and down
Into a stark nothingness
Hope lingers, flickers and fades
Marshalling what purpose remains
I reach out for help
For salvation
For forgiveness
But there’s no answer
No one is coming
I gaze out into the silence
But the only thing left to see
Is the darkness ahead
And above
And behind

Throw A Blanket On Me

Remember that feeling
Of being tucked in?
That blanket pulled tight
Right under your chin?
In that half slumber
Knowing love and such grace
That your cynicism now
Even dare not replace?
Well, we’re all still that child
Even as we have grown
We’re all still that vulnerable
We’re all still alone
Our journey is fraught
At times cruel and unfair
We could all use a hand
That’s more often not there
But for the sake of my child
And yours, let’s agree
To care for each other
Throw a blanket on me